DISC Assessment for improving Team Dynamics

Collaborating with someone on a project can go smoothly. You like their work ethic, and you make a great connection. Then, there are times when it feels like a chore. There are a lot of misunderstandings, and you end up feeling frustrated.

We’ve all had such experiences throughout our careers. And no, it’s not because of coincidence.

Your DISC type influences the way you interact with others and the way they interact with you. It affects your behaviour on the good days, and especially on the bad days. And this is true for everyone in your team.

What if you can use the DISC assessment to your team’s advantage? 

Diversity Pushes Growth and Innovation. Boost it with the DISCover Team Workshop

In this workshop, our coaches will guide you through exercises using our DISC tool.

DISC Map: the World of Difference

Instead of using the regular DISC model, we use the World of Difference by MapsTell. This map shows the different DISC personalities as regions on a map.

Behaviours related to each DISC type are represented as geographic features. How different you are from others is represented based on how far you are located from their spot on the map.

Coaches need certification to conduct DISC coaching workshops. Our coaches hold certifications as DISC MapsTell guides.

What Can My Team Gain From the DISC Workshop?

Our workshop exercises can help your team with the following:

Understand Your Teammates Better
Recognise what behaviours encourage or frustrate your team members. Understand their motivations and why they act a certain way.

More Awareness for You
Discover how you present yourself to others, and how they perceive you.

Improve Communication
Understanding each other means you can come up with new strategies for communication. Pick up behavioural cues and how to listen more actively to others.

Assign Suitable Tasks
Learn what type of tasks your team members excel or struggle with based on their DISC. See if you can leverage this to achieve your team’s goals.

Coaches need certification to conduct DISC coaching workshops. Our coaches hold certifications as DISC MapsTell guides.

DISCover Workshop: Explore the DISC Map and Get Better Team Dynamics

Each member of your team sits in a specific area on the DISC map. If you explore the places where they stand, you might figure out a better way to reach out and communicate.

Find Where Your Teammates Are

Invite your team to take our free DISC assessment and reveal which area of the DISC model they fall into.

Work Towards a Stronger, Better Team With the DISCover Workshop

Our workshop can accommodate the following:

  • HR team building programs
  • Remote team training
  • Weekend team offsite training

Need a custom workshop for your team? Reach out to us to get a quote.

- Companies who trusted us with their teams-

Unlocking the next level with coaching
“Lex is an extraordinary coach! His ability to push my thinking and reignite my passion has been truly transformative."
Jeffrey Orlando
United States
Creating a deeper understanding
“With a logical approach to understanding personal growth, he [Coach Lex] possesses a unique ability to ask thought-provoking questions that delve into the core issues of self-doubt and has empowered me to conquer my challenges with small, actionable steps.”
Andrea Wong
A safe space during coaching
“Roselind has practised active listening during our sessions where she paid close attention to what I shared and further seek clarification on my thoughts…The way she phrases her questions are well-structured and helps me seek for clarity.”
Chuen Ting

Why Choose CoachUp.sg

Expert Guidance

Certified NLP and ICF master coaches lead every training program. All exercises we do in the workshop are made to provide you and your team with valuable insights.


Every team is different. We customise our frameworks to address your team's specific issues.

Dedicated Support

We want to see your team achieve long-term success. We design our exercises for lasting solutions. Here at CoachUp, we're here with you in the long run.

The DISC model of teamwork helps teams understand and appreciate different personality styles. It can help in enhancing communication and team dynamics.

The duration of our workshop depends on how many team members you have and the goals you want to achieve. We do offer flexibility with our workshops, so feel free to reach out to us for any requests.

Yes. We can customise our workshop to various types of teams. All you need to do is schedule a call with us to explain what you need.

We can customise the workshop to fit what your team needs. We can arrange remote sessions and even weekend/offsite events. Please reach out to us for more details.

As a leader, the DISC assessment can help you gain perspective on how your team members act around others. You can then use this knowledge to assign tasks or pair people in team projects.