The Strategy Session

Key takeaways:

  • A Strategy Session is an initial, obligation-free conversation between you and a life coach to determine if working together is suitable.
  • Preparation for the call is important to get the most out of it, including thinking about your goals, being honest and open with the coach, asking questions, and being open to feedback.
  • There is no obligation to commit to anything during the call, but the coach may provide some initial recommendations or strategies you can start implementing right away.

How does a Strategy Session work?

A Strategy Session is an initial, obligation-free conversation between you and a life coach. This gives both of you the chance to get to know each other and decide if working together is suitable. During the call, the coach will ask questions related to your current situation, goals for coaching, and any challenges you’re facing. You are also free to ask any questions that may come up. When the conversation ends, you’ll have a better understanding of whether or not the coach is right for you and if coaching is the right path for your needs.

What to expect from your life coach

The Strategy Session typically lasts between 30-60 minutes, depending on how much time is necessary to get a better understanding of each other. The life coach will likely introduce themselves and discuss their coaching style. They then ask questions about what your current objectives are, what you’re striving to gain from the coaching process and any struggles you’re dealing with.

It’s important that you be as open and truthful with them as possible so they can identify your needs and determine if they can effectively help you out.

Life coaches can also ask about your values, goals, and limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. Coaches may also ask about your past experiences and how they have shaped your current situation. Questions are designed to help your life coach understand your situation and determine if coaching is right for you.

There is no obligation to commit to anything during the call, but the coach may provide some initial recommendations or strategies you can start implementing right away.

Preparation for the Strategy Session

If you want to get the most out of your Strategy Session, you should come prepared. Here are some tips:

    • Think about what you hope to gain from the coaching experience before the call. What are your goals, and what do you hope to accomplish?

    • It is important to be honest and open with the coach so they can understand your situation and determine whether they can help you.

    • Ask questions: The Strategy Session is your chance to ask any questions you have about the coaching process or the coach’s approach.

    • You may receive some initial feedback from the coach during the call. Be open to the feedback and willing to try new strategies to accomplish your goals.

In conclusion, booking a Strategy Session with a life coach can be a great way to gain clarity and make positive changes in your life. During your free consultation, you can determine if coaching is the right path for you if you know what to expect and how to prepare for it.